Sunday, June 5, 2011

Online chat tonight!

Our next online chat will be tonight, June 5th, at 10 pm Eastern time (9pm central, 8pm mountain, 7pm pacific). 

Please tell others you think would be interested in joining us. This is primarily for those who were once sincere evangelicals and are now, well, not that!

Here's the link... And, as always, you can go in the room any time you want and see if anyone else is hanging out there.

Let's do this!


PS I am interested in chatting about the book, "Evolving in Monkey Town," but we can talk about anything you want to talk about!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Reading Monkey Town

Well, I finally got my copy of "Evolving in Monkey Town" by Rachel Held Evans and skimmed through it. It has promise.

If you've read it, what did you think?