Tuesday, February 22, 2011

I want to believe

I loved the X-files when it was on.

One of the interesting dialectics was the difference in approach to mystery between Mulder and Scully. Scully was the perennial scientist/skeptic, always believing that a rational explanation could be found. Mulder, on the other hand, was always open to the supernatural, otherworldly, irrational explanation. (And we all know who was right!!)

Although I admire people like Scully, at heart I'm a Mulder. I WANT to believe in the unseen, the supernatural, the REALLY big picture. Ultimate reality.

That's why when I enter a significant period of doubt, when the foundations of my supernatural worldview are being shaken to the core, it's horrible. I hate it. I despise it. I don't like it. It's unwanted and unwelcome. It's nothing I've asked or wished for. It's alien and foreign to my very being.

Must be the devil.


  1. Did you see this?


  2. childlike

    no, i had not seen that.

    i don't think everyone is like me, by the way. I think there are both mulders and scullys in the world. my son, for example, could care less about any of this stuff. He has no "need" to believe.
